Columbia Daily Tribune from Columbia, Missouri (2024)

Columbia (Mo.) 2 Saturday, Sept, 3, 1960 Lumumba Gets Dictator Tag in Congo Senate (Continued from page 1) House of Parliament never has had more than 40 of its 78 members present. AR the Senate debated futilely, reperts were received that Lumumba also was about to attack Katanga, the Southeast Congo province which has declared its independence and allied itself with Kalonji. Ah army spokesman from Katanga province said Lumumba's troops were poised 20 miles from the Katanga border in Kivu province to the North. "This could be a greater threat to Katanga than any action and troop movements taking place in the Kasai province right now," the spokesman said. Some Congolese troops were reported deserting and joining Kalonji's secessionists.

This appeared to be the case in Kakwanga, the said, and also at Puputa where a platoon of Congo trodps had defected. UN. forces have steered clear of the Congo fighing, but a Moroccan unit fired on a menacing group of armed civilians in Moerbeke near the army base of Thysville in Leopoldville province yesterday, One civilian was killed. Diplomats feared the U.N. command could no longer restore order in the new republic unless Lumumba's forces were disarmed.

seen as unlikely since the fiery premier is determined to use troops to quell opposition in rebellious Katanga and Kasal provinces. These observers noted that Lumumba was hewing to the line that usually leads to 8 Communist-style dictatorship. His rehas been suppressing newspapers, banning political meetings using troops and police to arrest political opposition. Soviet advisers have also been pouring into the Congo in recent weeks. Too Many Chiefs, Not Enough Cops WEST CONSHOHOCKEN, Pa.

(P) This Philadelphia suburb doesn't have three police chiefs, It just looks that way, The entire force consists of chief, a patrolman and parttime patrolman. When the old chief retired the new chief asked for and got shiny new badge. The patrolman was, given the old chief's badge. Then the part-time, relief patrolman was hired. He wears the badge of the man he relieves.

Dishes Not On Menu COLUMBUS. Ohio (AP) To help feed the college student Reserve Officer Training Corps cadets who train here during the Summer, Force Base added Lockbourne. dishes at the chow hall 12 local girls who assist with serving. The Weather MISSOURI--Mostly fair this afternoon, tonight a and tomorrow: little cooler extreme Northeast tomorrow: low tonight 65-70: high tomorrow near extreme Northeast to upper 90s Southwest. THE THERMOMETER m-97 m--77 m-98 m-75 m-96 3 a m--72 m-98 m---70 m--97 5 m-71 00003 m-88 m-93 m-74 m-70 m-84 8 m-80 m-82 m-84 10 m-80 10 m-90 m-79 11 m-92 12 mid.

--78 12 noon-93 Temperature at Columbia This Date Sirce 1890 Highest 103 in 1939 Lowest 44 in 1893 One Year Ago Today Highest 87 Lowest 55 Precipitation This month to date 0 Normal this month to date .28 Same month last year to date .01 This year to date 21.13 Normal 27.10 Last year to date 19.29 Sun Sun rises tomorrow 5:40 a.m.; sets. 6:35 p.m. River. Stages Kansas City 8.1 fall 0.4 Waverly 12.6 fall 0,6 Boonville 12.2 fall 1.7 Jefferson City 12.9 fall 2.0 Buy on. uence at Knight's Drug Shop.

Every prescription is compounded exactly to your docdoctor's specifications. Columbia folks have relied on Knight's for years! Knight's DRUG SHOP 815 E. Adwy. GI 2-1117 To Get Treatment The three Dickerson children of Windsor, Canada, confined to their parents' home for 11 years before their discovery recently, leave Windsor for Toronto where they will receive further treatment and examination in the Sick Children's hospital. Nurse Jean Mortimore carries 13-yearold Glenda while nurse Judy Hamilton holds hands of Gordon, 15, and Connie, 18.

In background at right is Major Esther Perry of the Salvation Army Grace hospital. (Wirephoto) James Ruben Mahaney of North Fourth street was fined $25 in Municipal Court this morning after pleading guilty to brandishing a deadly weapon--a shotgun -on Wednesday. Mahaney testified that he intended to frighten Robert Salmon of North Fourth street after an argument over a girl. He said he thought the gun was empty. Police found two shells in the gun.

Four persons ran afoul of the police radar unit last night and early this morning and paid fines in court. Clocked while the unit was parked on the West side of Providence road, South of Brandon road, were; Miss Linda Lou Samuel of Route 4, 38 miles per hour in the 30-mile zone, James L. Kinker of St. Charles, 48 miles per hour, $18; Jasper R. Fleetwood of Route 1, 38 miles per hour, $8.

Searcy R. Barkwell of 725 Sexton road, at Providence road and Allen street, 40 miles per hour, $10. The case of Howard T. Wright of 111 West Ash street, charged with driving an automobile with faulty brakes, was continued to September 10. William E.

Perkins of 602 Jackson street was fined $4 after pleading guilty to overloading a truck. Orbah Jack Horton of 204 Ruby lane was fined $26 after pleading guilty to failing to pay 13 overparking violations. Frank Verdayne West of 111 North Second street was fined $10 after pleading guilty to using loud and profane language in public view at 1:43 o'clock this morning at Providence road and Ash street. Otis Glenn West was fined $20 after pleading guilty to charges of being drunk in public view and using loud and profane Ianguage in public view at 10:05 o'- clock Wednesday night Ash and Eighth- streets. Howard Palmer of 219 West Broadway was fined $1 after he pleaded innocent to a charge of parking an unattached trailer on the city streets, but was found guilty by the court.

The case of Raymond Vickers of 105 Maplewood avenue, charged with window peeping, was continued until September 9. Man Fined on Weapon Charge; 4 Speeders Caught by Radar Prison Revolt In Minnesota Is Broken Up (Continued from Page 1) went back without incident. Tahash decided to wait until morning before delivering his ultimatum. The holdouts spent a balmy night roaming the floodlit enclosure under the machine guns, shotguns and rifles of 45 guards in prison towers high above it. They had no food, but water was available at a fountain.

No violence although small fire apparently was started in the compound around daybreak. Rigg was ousted three days ago on charges of making excessive food withdrawals from the prison commissary for his own use last Summer. Tahash once quelled a bloody riot in the New Mexico State Prison on June 15, 1953, when he shot and killed two convict ringleaders holding him hostage. Statutory Rape Charge Against Boonville Man BOONVILLE, Sept. 3--James Moore of Boonville has been charged with statutory rape in connection with an incident involving a 10-year-old girl; Prosecuting Attorney John J.

Stegner said today, Moore was arrested on Main street early today by city police and was later turned over to state authorities. Hospitals' Boone County Hospital Mrs. Doris Beinke, Mrs. Louise Roberts, Mrs. A.

Bassein, and Mrs. Ruth F. Schutte were admitted today. Mrs. Ruth Forbis, Joe Bullard, and Mrs.

Frances McCullem were dismissed today. Mrs. Mary E. Wilkinson, Mrs. Jeanne L.

Seyer, James B. Riley, Thomas M. Schumate, Vicky Lynn Sims, Mrs. Marilyn J. Richards, and Mrs.

Barbara Sublett were admitted yesterday, Curt Williams, Buddy A. erts, Daniel Edwards, and Matthew R. McCaslin were dismissed yesterday, University Hospital Mrs. Edith Fields, 12J University terrace; Mrs. Mary Adams, 707 avenue: Mrs.

Marie Jewell, Thayer; Mrs. Delia Robinson, Stockton; Miss Edna Powell, Tipton; Miss Deborah Brown, Kirksville; Mrs. Georgia Carter, Santa Fe; Mrs. Irene Doss, Hardin; John Trower, Laddonia; William Looney, Conway; Julius Autenreith, Fulton; Martha Browning, Vandalia; Charley Payton, Washburn: Daniel Fowler, Maysville; Morris West, Willow Springs; Mrs. Laura Pasch, Cuba: William Wren, Boonville; Elwood Harris, Bonne Terre; Charles Bodenhamer, Prairie Village, and Mrs.

Dorothy Gil-1 key, Fisk, were admitted yesterday. Louis Buckner, 13 West Allen street; Mrs. Margaret Patrick, Route Chauncey Dingley, Belle; Oscar Pullum, Essex; John Church, Springfield; Larry Wiles, Vienna: Billy Joe Roberts, Rocheport; Harold Seaboldt, Clarence; Mrs. Caroline Brill, Trenton; and Kenneth Romig, Fortuna, were discharged. Student Health Service No one was admitted or discharged yesterday.

St. Joseph Hospital, Boonville Mrs. Floyd A. Stephens, Charles Johnson, Wallace Ray Zeigler, Mrs. Alfred L.

Bryan, George L. Ebersole, James R. Dallas, Joseph A. Lang and Mrs. George A.

Stephens were admitted yesterday. Miss Edna Mae Powell, Gary Warren Bartel, Edward H. Ries, Mary L. Schlotzhauer, Mrs. Howard C.

Hickey, Bruce A. Schlotzhauer, Mrs. Ellis R. Parkhurst and Mrs. William O.

Lynn were discharged. Lee Hospital, Fayette Mrs. Claude Miller, Mrs. Maurer, Miss Helen Weiker, Frank Enyart and Ernest Overstreet were admitted Thursday. Births Mr.

and Mrs. Alfred Gentry, 401 West Worley street, became parents of a 7-pound, 3-ounce daughter at the University hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Sublett, 1903 East McAlester street, became the parents of a 10-pound, 4-ounce son at 1:48 o'clock this morning at Boone County hospital.

A 7-pound, 2-ounce, son was born to Mr and Jerome M. Seyer, 307 North Ann street, at 6:37 o'clock last night at Boone County hospital. Mr. and Mrs. James Richards, 1407 Anthony street, became the parents of a 6-pound, 9-ounce son at 11:47 o'clock last night at Boone County hospital.

Funeral to Be Monday For Dr. C. A. Phillips Funeral services for Dr. C.

A. Phillips, 89, who died yesterday morning at his home, will be conducted at 10 o'elock Monday morning at the First Christian church by Dr. C. E. Lemmon, pastor.

Pallbearers will be Dr. Elmer Ellis, Dr. L. G. Townsend, Robert Smith, Everett Keith, Dr.

Kenneth Freeman and W. L. Capers. Burial will be in Memorial Park Cemetery. The body will remain at Parker's chapel until time for services.

The family said memorial contributions may be made to the church. The famous boardwalk of Atlantic City originated in 1896. Memorial Funeral Home and Chapel Lady Attendant 20 Years Technical Training in Embalming and Funeral Directing Oxygen Equipped Ambulance Service Air Conditioned with Ample Parking Space A reasonable service within the reach of all LYMAN SPRINKLE JAMES E. AKEMAN 1217 Hiway 40 West Air Conditioned Ambulance Service J. Edgar Hoover Blastsat Soft Treatment Drivers WASHINGTON, Sept.

3 UP Carnage on the highways during the Labor Day weekend offers stark testimony to the inadequacy of the nation's, safety program, FBI director J. Edgar Hoover said today. He decried soft punishments for drunk or reckless drivers. Hoover said in an article in the FBI Law Enforcement bulletin that in some states drunk driving is classed as a misdemeanor, involving a light penalty and no suspension of the driving privilege. He added: would appear just as logical to free a crazed man who had been firing a gun on a crowded street and return his weapon to him, "Two of the greatest dangers on our roads are the drunken and reckless drivers.

Why should anyone feel compassion for them? Their actions show as much disregard for law and order as do the acts of a burglar who follows a carefully laid plan to steal in the night. Also, in many instances, they are a far greater threat to human safety. "Just as through research and positive action we have isolated and conquered the germs which cause many dread diseases, so can we remove the slaughterers who litter our highways with broken and battered bodies. But it can- Pennsy Strike Parleys Slated PHILADELPHIA, Sept, 3 (P) The Pennsylvania railroad "and two striking unions that have halted its operations appeared today to be virtually as far from a settlement of their dispute as when it began. Statements by PRR executives and President Michael J.

Quill of the Transport Workers Union showed neither party had budged much in its stand since the strike started Thursday. With the full effects expected to be felt and to mount rapidly after Labor Day, six governors and 11 mayors in a joint telegram to the disputants said yesterday the strike could and should be settled before the weekend is over. Federal Mediator Francis O'Neill, called separate sessions today of railroad and union bargaining teams. He hoped to the groundwork for another joint meeting and, perhaps, a meeting of the top executives of the PRR, TWU and the System Federation, another non-operating union joining in the strike with the TWU. Since the strike against the nation's largest railroad began Thursday there have been no joint sessions, despite the almost continuous intervention of Mayor Richardson Dilworth of Philadelphia, the city in which the PRR plays a vital economic role.

A modernistic painter was robbed. In order to assist the police in catching the thief, he drew a sketch of the man. Guided entirely by this sketch, the police rounded up a TV aerial, three can openers, a hearse and two pair of boots. -Philnews not be done by showing pity or offering, excuses violate the for basic those rules who of traffic safety." Hoover said, "Traffic regulations, as they should be, are the responsibilities of the various state and local governments. Indifference and the lack of positive action reduce traffic fatalities have brought on considerable talk of federal intervention." Congress has directed the Commerce department to set up a national clearing house for recording driver license suspensions or revocations stemming from drunk and reckless driving.

Proposals were made in the last Congress to bring about some kind of uniform safety regulations across the nation. Last Two Fulton Escapees Nabbed ST. CHARLES, Sept. 3 (P) The last two of seven patients who escaped from a ward for criminally insane at Fulton State hospital were apprehended in a commandeered car early today by St. Charles county authorities.

Back in custody were Richard F. Lindner, 31, and Alphonso Pulliam, 28, both of St. Louis. Lindner and Pulliam commandeered a car occupied by Herbert William Albrecht, 20, of High Hill and Miss Jennie Louise Buhmeyer, 22, of St. Louis.

Albrecht said they were seated in the car East of High Hill when Lindner and Pulliam, who is a Negro, approached and ordered them out of the car. Lindner was unable to operate the vehicle and Pulliam talked him into Albrecht drive. Lindner the back Jetting, with the woman and Pulliam rode up front with Albrecht. An alert truck driver was indirectly responsible for the capture of the escapees. He informed the Highway Patrol that a Negro and a white man were trying to hitch a ride on Highway 40 near High Hill and troopers requested that St.

Charles authorities set up the road block. St. Charles County Sheriff Lester Plackmeyer said the fugitives were apprehended about 30 minutes later. Pulliam and Lindner emerged with their hands up and offered no resistance. The men had escaped from Fulton Thursday night after threatening one of the hospital supervisors and ordering other employes to open the gate.

The five other men were recaptured within 12 hours. Show Goes on, but Without the Whirl CHARLOTTE, N. C. (P) June Walker, one of the dolls in the Charlotte Summer Theater's "Guys and Dolls" made her entrance as a rural miss in tight, red-checked shorts. She was supposed to jump off the shoulders of two dancers, sing and whirl across the stage.

She jumped. She sang, But she didn't whirl. Her tight shorts split in back when she jumped Dow Jones Stock Averages FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1960 Stocks Open High Low Close Change Sales 30 Industrials 625.85 629.17 622.07 625.22 .88 200,000 20 Railroads 136.22 136.94 135.57 136.15 .57 45,800 15 Utilities 96.18 96.62 95.64 96.10 .03 41,400 65 Stocks 207.55 208.62 206.37 207.37 .35 287,200 STOCK UP ON Adams Milk ADAMS for the Holiday Weekend ahead! Also-take advantage of the Special on Adams Cottage Cheese MATTINGLYS to $1.00 STORES HWY 40 GARTH STORE OPEN MONDAY Labor Day 12 Smith College Faculty Men Held In Obscenity Case NORTHAMPTON, Sept. 3 (AP) Two Smith college facmembers, one a 1951 winner ulty, National Book award, have charged with possession of been obscene photographs and literature. Prof.

Frederic Newton Arvid, 60. of the Smith English department, and Edward W. Spofford, 29, an instructor in Greek, were arrested yesterday after an investigation by the Massachusetts State Police p*rnography bureau, They were released in bail of $1,000 and $500, respectively, to await arraignment today in District Court. Arvid also was charged with being lewd and lascivious in speech and behavior. The professor has been a member of the Smith faculty 36 years.

He won the National Book award for a biography of Herman ville, author of "Moby Dick." Spofford joined the college in 1957. Hallsville Youth With Polio Still 'Critical' Jerry Fenton, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A.

Fenton of Hallsville, admitted to the University hospital Thursday and placed in an iron lung, is still reported in critical condition today. His is the first diagnosed case of infantile paralysis in Boone county this Summer, According to the Boone County chapter of the National foundation, Jerry had no polio shots and is suffering from the bulbar type of polio. One Columbia case of polio was reported at the University hospital last Summer, However, the woman afflicted had been visiting out of town when she contracted the disease. Hers was the only case of polio in Columbia in the past four years. A few victims of polio Boone county outcity were treated at University hospital last Summer.

Dr. Leroy J. Miller, city health officer, said Columbia is in the midst of its traditional peak polio season which begins in August and continues until frost. He cautioned Columbians to get their polio shots, wash food and hands before eating, and kill flies around the home. Fined at Boonville BOONVILLE, Sept.

3 Emmett Lee Fenton of Boonville paid a fne of $100 and $11 costs in costs in Magistrate Court Friday for failing to operate motor vehicle on the right half of the highway. Answer Four Alarms; Shed Burns A grass fire. attributed to careless smoker, did little damage yesterday afternoon at Municipal airport. Firemen answered the call at 12:32 o'clock, The blaze was in a small ditch alongside the North runway, A fire at 1:04 p.m., yesterday at 1904 Monroe street damaged shed at the residence of Ralph Lawrence. Firemen said a child playing with matches may have caused the fire.

Two electric motors became overheated and were damaged yesterday and this morning. Firemen answered a call at 5:45 p.m. yesterday at the M.F.A. Exchange, (32 South Providence road. A motor in an elevator bulkhead WAs damaged by heat.

At 5:15 o'clock this morning firemen went to the Union tavern at 126 North Eighth street where an overheated walk-in cooler motor had filled the building with smoke. The motor was taken out. The Drivers Must Be Kept Terribly Busy CHARLOTTE, N. C. (P) The new Charlotte centralized ambulance service has set up temin a building that porary quarters.

food catering formerly concern. A sign over the building reads: "Temporary home of Charlotte Ambulance Service Then, the remains of the catering service sign adds: "Catering to 10 or 10,000." Thieves Cause TV Picture to Vanish ST. CLAIRSVILLE, Ohio (P)- When the picture on his television screen vanished, John Lawrence found out why. 'The antenna--on a hill close to his hore-was in the process of vanishing, too. Larceny charges were filed against two men.

To wire flowerscall us up! GI 2-3151 We guarantee quality, Delivery anywhere. 36R FLORIST Mueller 29 on The Stroll way Sturgeon Road District Sued Over Flooding Audella Vanderpool of near Sturgeon has filed an injunction suit in Circuit Court here to force the Sturgeon Special Road district to clean out a culvert and end flooding of her property. The suit says the culvert is on road in the district's jurisdiction which abuts the Vanderpool property. The culvert has been stopped up with debris and the stoppage, the height of the combined, caused water to back up on her land, the suit says. According to the suit, the district refused to open the culvert or to allow it to be cleaned out at the property owner's expense.

Named as defendants are the district and the members of the district commission, Truman Ritchie, Walter McKenzie and Wallace Fountain. 7:30 For every girl who was ever involved with an older KIM NOVAK FREDRIC MARCH GLENDA FARRELL, ALBERT MARTIN LEE GRANT LEE PHILIPS by PADDY CHAYEFSKY Based com has as presented on Broadway by Joshua Antweed by GEORGE JUSTIN Directed by DEL BERT MANN 9:55 A A AND A PARKADE Jailered Dress Drive In Theatre CINEMASCOPE NERF ICK CHANDLER CARSON BAIL. JEANNE RUSSELL CRAM Fly Your Flag LABOR DAY MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th Show Your Patriotism Fly the New 50 Star Flag Call Mrs. Alice LaForce, 210 Edgewood if you need a new 50-star flag. Boone County National Bank KALE.

Columbia Daily Tribune from Columbia, Missouri (2024)
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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.