Dissolved organic carbon loss from Yedoma permafrost amplified by ice wedge thaw (2024)

The tables of contents are generated automatically and are based on the data records of the individual contributions available in the index of the TIB portal. The display of the Tables of Contents may therefore be incomplete.


Climate, crops and lacking data underlieregional disparities in the CO2fertilization effect

David M Rosenthal / Nicholas J Tomeo et al. | 2013

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Is climate change affecting human health?

Kristie L Ebi et al. | 2013

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History and future of the scientific consensus on anthropogenic global warming

Fritz Reusswig et al. | 2013

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Bioenergy: how much can we expect for 2050?

Helmut Haberl / Karl-Heinz Erb / Fridolin Krausmann / Steve Running / Timothy D Searchinger / W Kolby Smith et al. | 2013

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Bioenergy: how much?

José Goldemberg / Suani Teixeira Coelho et al. | 2013

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Atmospheric rivers in changing climate

Beate G Liepert et al. | 2013

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Robust warming over East Asia during the boreal winter monsoon and its possible causes

Sun-Seon Lee / Seon-Hwa Kim / Jong-Ghap Jhun / Kyung-Ja Ha / Ye-Won Seo et al. | 2013

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Observed and simulated precipitation responses in wet and dry regions 1850–2100

Chunlei Liu / Richard P Allan et al. | 2013

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Risks to coral reefs from ocean carbonate chemistry changes in recent earth system model projections

K L Ricke / J C Orr / K Schneider / K Caldeira et al. | 2013

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Meeting global temperature targets—the role of bioenergy with carbon capture and storage

Christian Azar / Daniel J A Johansson / Niclas Mattsson et al. | 2013

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Global premature mortality due to anthropogenic outdoor air pollution and the contribution of past climate change

Raquel A Silva / J Jason West / Yuqiang Zhang / Susan C Anenberg / Jean-François Lamarque / Drew T Shindell / William J Collins / Stig Dalsoren / Greg Faluvegi / Gerd Folberth et al. | 2013

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In situ observations of the influence of a large onshore wind farm on near-surface temperature, turbulence intensity and wind speed profiles

Craig M Smith / R J Barthelmie / S C Pryor et al. | 2013

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Ice dynamic response to two modes of surface lake drainage on the Greenland ice sheet

Marco Tedesco / Ian C Willis / Matthew J Hoffman / Alison F Banwell / Patrick Alexander / Neil S Arnold et al. | 2013

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The role of reduced aerosol precursor emissions in driving near-term warming

Nathan P Gillett / Knut Von Salzen et al. | 2013

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REDD+emissions estimation and reporting: dealing with uncertainty

Johanne Pelletier / Davy Martin / Catherine Potvin et al. | 2013

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Future changes in atmospheric rivers and their implications for winter flooding in Britain

David A Lavers / Richard P Allan / Gabriele Villarini / Benjamin Lloyd-Hughes / David J Brayshaw / Andrew J Wade et al. | 2013

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Climate policy and dependence on traded carbon

Robbie M Andrew / Steven J Davis / Glen P Peters et al. | 2013

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Observed metre scale horizontal variability of elemental carbon in surface snow

J Svensson / J Ström / M Hansson / H Lihavainen / V-M Kerminen et al. | 2013

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What day-ahead reserves are needed in electric grids with high levels of wind power?

Brandon Mauch / Jay Apt / Pedro M S Carvalho / Paulina Jaramillo et al. | 2013

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Changes in concurrent monthly precipitation and temperature extremes

Zengchao Hao / Amir AghaKouchak / Thomas J Phillips et al. | 2013

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Redefining agricultural yields: from tonnes to people nourished per hectare

Emily S Cassidy / Paul C West / James S Gerber / Jonathan A Foley et al. | 2013

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Influences of increasing temperature on Indian wheat: quantifying limits to predictability

Ann-Kristin Koehler / Andrew J Challinor / Ed Hawkins / Senthold Asseng et al. | 2013

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Land cover dynamics following a deforestation ban in northern Costa Rica

M E fa*gan / R S DeFries / S E Sesnie / J P Arroyo / W Walker / C Soto / R L Chazdon / A Sanchun et al. | 2013

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Historic and future increase in the global land area affected by monthly heat extremes

Dim Coumou / Alexander Robinson et al. | 2013

Trapped between two tails: trading off scientific uncertainties via climate targets

Derek Lemoine / Haewon C McJeon et al. | 2013

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The future costs of nuclear power using multiple expert elicitations: effects of RD&D and elicitation design

Laura Díaz Anadón / Gregory Nemet / Elena Verdolini et al. | 2013

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On predicting climate under climate change

Joseph D Daron / David A Stainforth et al. | 2013

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Assessing summertime urban air conditioning consumption in a semiaridenvironment

F Salamanca / M Georgescu / A Mahalov / M Moustaoui / M Wang / B M Svoma et al. | 2013

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Tundra shrubification and tree-line advance amplify arctic climate warming: results from an individual-based dynamic vegetation model

Wenxin Zhang / Paul A Miller / Benjamin Smith / Rita Wania / Torben Koenigk / Ralf Döscher et al. | 2013

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Looking back to move forward on model validation: insights from a global model of agricultural land use

Uris Lantz C Baldos / Thomas W Hertel et al. | 2013

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Relative humidity and its effect on aerosol optical depth in the vicinity of convective clouds

O Altaratz / R Z Bar-Or / U Wollner / I Koren et al. | 2013

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Atlantic influence on spring snowfall over the Alps in the past 150 years

Matteo Zampieri / Enrico Scoccimarro / Silvio Gualdi et al. | 2013

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Temporal and spatial variability in the aviation NOx-related O3 impact

Christopher K Gilmore / Steven R H Barrett / Jamin Koo / Qiqi Wang et al. | 2013

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Parks versus payments: reconciling divergent policy responses to biodiversity loss and climate change from tropical deforestation

Jonah Busch / Hedley S Grantham et al. | 2013

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Spatial and temporal patterns of global onshore wind speed distribution

Yuyu Zhou / Steven J Smith et al. | 2013

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The system-wide economics of a carbon dioxide capture, utilization, and storage network: Texas Gulf Coast with pure CO2-EOR flood

Carey W King / Gürcan Gülen / Stuart M Cohen / Vanessa Nuñez-Lopez et al. | 2013

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Mapping climate change in European temperature distributions

David A Stainforth / Sandra C Chapman / Nicholas W Watkins et al. | 2013

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Asynchronous exposure to global warming: freshwater resources and terrestrial ecosystems

Dieter Gerten / Wolfgang Lucht / Sebastian Ostberg / Jens Heinke / Martin Kowarsch / Holger Kreft / Zbigniew W Kundzewicz / Johann Rastgooy / Rachel Warren / Hans Joachim Schellnhuber et al. | 2013

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Economic mitigation challenges: how further delay closes the door for achieving climate targets

Gunnar Luderer / Robert C Pietzcker / Christoph Bertram / Elmar Kriegler / Malte Meinshausen / Ottmar Edenhofer et al. | 2013

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Soil microbial respiration from observations and Earth System Models

Pu Shao / Xubin Zeng / David J P Moore / Xiaodong Zeng et al. | 2013

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Global land–ocean linkage: direct inputs of nitrogen to coastal waters via submarine groundwater discharge

A H W Beusen / C P Slomp / A F Bouwman et al. | 2013

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Human water consumption intensifies hydrological drought worldwide

Yoshihide Wada / Ludovicus P H van Beek / Niko Wanders / Marc F P Bierkens et al. | 2013

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Variability of the North Atlantic summer storm track: mechanisms and impacts on European climate

Buwen Dong / Rowan T Sutton / Tim Woollings / Kevin Hodges et al. | 2013

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REDD+readiness: early insights on monitoring, reporting and verification systems of project developers

Shijo Joseph / Martin Herold / William D Sunderlin / Louis V Verchot et al. | 2013

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Projections of the pace of warming following an abrupt increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration

K Caldeira / N P Myhrvold et al. | 2013

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Environmental impact of wind energy

J Mann / J Teilmann et al. | 2013

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Seasonal and altitudinal variations in snow algal communities on an Alaskan glacier (Gulkana glacier in the Alaska range)

Nozomu Takeuchi et al. | 2013

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A metagenomic snapshot of taxonomic and functional diversity in an alpine glacier cryoconite ecosystem

Arwyn Edwards / Justin A Pachebat / Martin Swain / Matt Hegarty / Andrew J Hodson / Tristram D L Irvine-Fynn / Sara M E Rassner / Birgit Sattler et al. | 2013

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Microbial nitrogen cycling in Arctic snowpacks

Catherine Larose / Aurélien Dommergue / Timothy M Vogel et al. | 2013

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Electricity for groundwater use: constraints and opportunities for adaptive response to climate change

Christopher A Scott et al. | 2013

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Thermal effluent from the power sector: an analysis of once-through cooling system impacts on surface water temperature

N Madden / A Lewis / M Davis et al. | 2013

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Contrasting response of grassland versus forest carbon and water fluxes to spring drought in Switzerland

Sebastian Wolf / Werner Eugster / Christof Ammann / Matthias Häni / Sebastian Zielis / Rebecca Hiller / Jacqueline Stieger / Dennis Imer / Lutz Merbold / Nina Buchmann et al. | 2013

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Towards an inventory of methane emissions from manure management that is responsive to changes on Canadian farms

A C VanderZaag / J D MacDonald / L Evans / X P C Vergé / R L Desjardins et al. | 2013

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Climate change mitigation policies and poverty in developing countries

Zekarias Hussein / Thomas Hertel / Alla Golub et al. | 2013

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Water constraints on European power supply under climate change: impacts on electricity prices

Michelle T H van Vliet / Stefan Vögele / Dirk Rübbelke et al. | 2013

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What metrics best reflect the energy and carbon intensity of cities? Insights from theory and modeling of 20 US cities

Anu Ramaswami / Abel Chavez et al. | 2013

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Seasonal energy storage using bioenergy production from abandoned croplands

J Elliott Campbell / David B Lobell / Robert C Genova / Andrew Zumkehr / Christopher B Field et al. | 2013

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Edaphic and microclimatic controls over permafrost response to fire in interior Alaska

Dana R Nossov / M Torre Jorgenson / Knut Kielland / Mikhail Z Kanevskiy et al. | 2013

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Permafrost degradation and methane: low risk of biogeochemical climate-warming feedback

Xiang Gao / C Adam Schlosser / Andrei Sokolov / Katey Walter Anthony / Qianlai Zhuang / David Kicklighter et al. | 2013

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The water footprint of biofuel produced from forest wood residue via a mixed alcohol gasification process

Yi-Wen Chiu / May Wu et al. | 2013

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Quantification of upland thermokarst features with high resolution remote sensing

E F Belshe / E A G Schuur / G Grosse et al. | 2013

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Reorganization of vegetation, hydrology and soil carbon after permafrost degradation across heterogeneous boreal landscapes

M Torre Jorgenson / Jennifer Harden / Mikhail Kanevskiy / Jonathan O’Donnell / Kim Wickland / Stephanie Ewing / Kristen Manies / Qianlai Zhuang / Yuri Shur / Robert Striegl et al. | 2013

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Energy benchmarking of commercial buildings: a low-cost pathway toward urban sustainability

Matt Cox / Marilyn A Brown / Xiaojing Sun et al. | 2013

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Agricultural productivity and greenhouse gas emissions: trade-offs or synergies between mitigation and food security?

H Valin / P Havlík / A Mosnier / M Herrero / E Schmid / M Obersteiner et al. | 2013

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Empirical estimates to reduce modeling uncertainties of soil organic carbon in permafrost regions: a review of recent progress and remaining challenges

U Mishra / J D Jastrow / R Matamala / G Hugelius / C D Koven / J W Harden / C L Ping / G J Michaelson / Z Fan / R M Miller et al. | 2013

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Effects of drought and ice rain on potential productivity of a subtropical coniferous plantation from 2003 to 2010 based on eddy covariance flux observation

Kun Huang / Shaoqiang Wang / Lei Zhou / Huimin Wang / Yunfen Liu / Fengting Yang et al. | 2013

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Microbial growth under humic-free conditions in a supraglacial stream system on the Cotton Glacier, Antarctica

Christine M Foreman / Rose M Cory / Cindy E Morris / Michael D SanClements / Heidi J Smith / John T Lisle / Penney L Miller / Yu-Ping Chin / Diane M McKnight et al. | 2013

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Dissolved organic carbon loss from Yedoma permafrost amplified by ice wedge thaw

J E Vonk / P J Mann / K L Dowdy / A Davydova / S P Davydov / N Zimov / R G M Spencer / E B Bulygina / T I Eglinton / R M Holmes et al. | 2013

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Quantification of urban metabolism through coupling with the life cycle assessment framework: concept development and case study

Benjamin Goldstein / Morten Birkved / Maj-Britt Quitzau / Michael Hauschild et al. | 2013

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Rapid responses of permafrost and vegetation to experimentally increased snow cover in sub-arctic Sweden

Margareta Johansson / Terry V Callaghan / Julia Bosiö / H Jonas Åkerman / Marcin Jackowicz-Korczynski / Torben R Christensen et al. | 2013

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Dissolved organic matter photolysis in Canadian arctic thaw ponds

Isabelle Laurion / Natalie Mladenov et al. | 2013

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Electron acceleration above thunderclouds

Martin Füllekrug / Ivana Kolmasova / Ondrej Santolik / Thomas Farges / József Bór / Alec Bennett / Michel Parrot / William Rison / Ferruccio Zanotti / Enrico Arnone et al. | 2013

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Permafrost and organic layer interactions over a climate gradient in a discontinuous permafrost zone

Kristofer D Johnson / Jennifer W Harden / A David McGuire / Mark Clark / Fengming Yuan / Andrew O Finley et al. | 2013

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Changing the spatial location of electricity generation to increase water availability in areas with drought: a feasibility study and quantification of air quality impacts in Texas

Adam P Pacsi / Nawaf S Alhajeri / Mort D Webster / Michael E Webber / David T Allen et al. | 2013

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The effects of fire on the thermal stability of permafrost in lowland and upland black spruce forests of interior Alaska in a changing climate

E E Jafarov / V E Romanovsky / H Genet / A D McGuire / S S Marchenko et al. | 2013

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Nitrous oxide emissions in Midwest US maize production vary widely with band-injected N fertilizer rates, timing and nitrapyrin presence

Juan P Burzaco / Doug R Smith / Tony J Vyn et al. | 2013

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Carbon stocks of trees killed by bark beetles and wildfire in the western United States

Jeffrey A Hicke / Arjan J H Meddens / Craig D Allen / Crystal A Kolden et al. | 2013

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Vegetation response to extreme climate events on the Mongolian Plateau from 2000 to 2010

Ranjeet John / Jiquan Chen / Zu-Tao Ou-Yang / Jingfeng Xiao / Richard Becker / Arindam Samanta / Sangram Ganguly / Wenping Yuan / Ochirbat Batkhishig et al. | 2013

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Comparing forest measurements from tree rings and a space-based index of vegetation activity in Siberia

Andrew G Bunn / Malcolm K Hughes / Alexander V Kirdyanov / Mark Losleben / Vladimir V Shishov / Logan T Berner / Alexander Oltchev / Eugene A Vaganov et al. | 2013

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Mapping the extent of abandoned farmland in Central and Eastern Europe using MODIS time series satellite data

Camilo Alcantara / Tobias Kuemmerle / Matthias Baumann / Eugenia V Bragina / Patrick Griffiths / Patrick Hostert / Jan Knorn / Daniel Müller / Alexander V Prishchepov / Florian Schierhorn et al. | 2013

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Shifts in Arctic phenology in response to climate and anthropogenic factors as detected from multiple satellite time series

Heqing Zeng / Gensuo Jia / Bruce C Forbes et al. | 2013

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Farm-scale costs and returns for second generation bioenergy cropping systems inthe US Corn Belt

Robert K Manatt / Arne Hallam / Lisa A Schulte / Emily A Heaton / Theo Gunther / Richard B Hall / Ken J Moore et al. | 2013

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The mechanism of multidecadal variability in the Arctic and North Atlantic in climate model INMCM4

E M Volodin et al. | 2013

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Carbon footprints of cities and other human settlements in the UK

Jan Minx / Giovanni Baiocchi / Thomas Wiedmann / John Barrett / Felix Creutzig / Kuishuang Feng / Michael Förster / Peter-Paul Pichler / Helga Weisz / Klaus Hubacek et al. | 2013

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Estimation of the residence time of permafrost groundwater in the middle of the Lena River basin, eastern Siberia

Tetsuya Hiyama / Kazuyoshi Asai / Alexander B Kolesnikov / Leonid A Gagarin / Victor V Shepelev et al. | 2013

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A water system model for exploring electric energy alternatives in southeastern US basins

F Flores-López / D Yates et al. | 2013

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Integrated impacts of future electricity mix scenarios on select southeastern US water resources

D Yates / J Meldrum / F Flores-Lopez / Michelle Davis et al. | 2013

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Nitrogen and carbon limitation of planktonic primary production and phytoplankton–bacterioplankton coupling in ponds on the McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica

Brian K Sorrell / Ian Hawes / Karl Safi et al. | 2013

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Large cryoconite aggregates on a Svalbard glacier support a diverse microbial community including ammonia-oxidizing archaea

Jakub D Zarsky / Marek Stibal / Andy Hodson / Birgit Sattler / Morten Schostag / Lars H Hansen / Carsten S Jacobsen / Roland Psenner et al. | 2013

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Modeling the influence of snow cover on low Arctic net ecosystem exchange

K A Luus / R E J Kelly / J C Lin / E R Humphreys / P M Lafleur / W C Oechel et al. | 2013

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Sectoral contributions to surface water stress in the coterminous United States

K Averyt / J Meldrum / P Caldwell / G Sun / S McNulty / A Huber-Lee / N Madden et al. | 2013

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Integrating place-specific livelihood and equity outcomes into global assessments of bioenergy deployment

Felix Creutzig / Esteve Corbera / Simon Bolwig / Carol Hunsberger et al. | 2013

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Permafrost model sensitivity to seasonal climatic changes and extreme events in mountainous regions

A Marmy / N Salzmann / M Scherler / C Hauck et al. | 2013

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Are there persistent physical atmospheric responses to galactic cosmic rays?

Rasmus E Benestad et al. | 2013

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Situated lifestyles: II. The impacts of urban density, housing type and motorization on the greenhouse gas emissions of the middle-income consumers in Finland

Jukka Heinonen / Mikko Jalas / Jouni K Juntunen / Sanna Ala-Mantila / Seppo Junnila et al. | 2013

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Growing season variability of net ecosystem CO2 exchange and evapotranspiration of a sphagnum mireinthebroad-leaved forest zone of EuropeanRussia

A Olchev / E Volkova / T Karataeva / E Novenko et al. | 2013

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Global versus local environmental impacts of grazing and confined beef production systems

P Modernel / L Astigarraga / V Picasso et al. | 2013

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Dissolved organic carbon loss from Yedoma permafrost amplified by ice wedge thaw (2024)
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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.